One Community, Infinite Possibilities
In 2024, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada will embark on an unparalleled expansion journey to open two new locations by end of 2025-- including a new Clubhouse in Carson Valley. Carson City & Carson Valley are growing communities with growing needs for more childcare services.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to ignite the potential within every young person, particularly those who rely on us the most, guiding them towards futures of boundless possibilities. We will accomplish this by opening doors of opportunity for kids, providing unwavering support to families during their toughest times, and inspiring the community to get engaged at meaningful levels. The launch of these childcare and community facilities will help us achieve our mission and create a lasting legacy that will shape the lives of Nevadans to come.
Funds Raised to Date: $6,249,138
Campaign Goal: $8,825,000
Why Now?
The 2023 Childcare Policy Report from the Governor’s Workforce Development Board stated that Nevada is facing a scarcity of daycare facilities and childcare workers, referring to our region as a “daycare desert”. In Carson City, there are three children waiting for every available daycare spot, indicating a serious lack of affordable and accessible daycare facilities.
To address the demands, confirmed by staggering statistics, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada seeks to build two new facilities in the region to provide more accessible childcare services. The Carson City Smart Start Center will serve over 100 children while the Minden location will serve over 350 children from newborn to 18-years-old to expand childcare capacity exponentially. The Minden location will be a comprehensive Boys & Girls Club with a Smart Start Center, elementary Before and After-School Care, and a Teen Center.
Mountain Center Smart Start
By the end of 2025, we will have our first standalone Smart Start facility in North Carson City. This building has the capacity for around 100 children, from 6 weeks old up to kindergarten, and will provide affordable and accessible daycare to those who need it most. With nearly $3 million in renovations planned, including upgraded safety features, this facility will have 10 classrooms and a brand-new playground!
The Wray Family Boys & Girls Club of Western Nevada
Just in time for the 2024/2025 school year, Carson Valley will have a brand-new Clubhouse with the capacity to serve around 350 children. This two-story building will provide out-of-school time year-round with a STEM lab, art room, library, Teen Center, two playgrounds, and much more! The Clubhouse will also have Minden's first Smart Start Center for daycare and preschool, which will open later in 2024. Our new Clubhouse will allow us to serve the entire family in Carson Valley from newborn to graduation.
Project Details
Interested in learning more about each of our new facilities? Click the link below to learn more about the project details.
For any inquiries, please contact:
Brett Zunino, CEO
If you wish to donate to our campaign, both check and card payments are accepted. Checks can be mailed to:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada
1870 Russell Way
Carson City, Nevada 89706
For credit card donations, please use the link below. Thank you for helping build a brighter future for the kids & the community!